torsdag 3 maj 2007

Spenattofu med avocadoknäcke

Stek på ett paket tofu tills bitarna får färg, tina ca 10 bitar hackad fryst spenat. Häll spenaten i stekpannan med havregrädde och/eller havremjölk. Lägg i en vegetarisk buljongtärning och låt puttra på låg värme i 5 min. Servera med fullkornspasta och knäckebröd med avocado och örtssalt.

2 kommentarer:

Seitan Wörshipper sa...

looks delicious, that recipe is so easy att I think I can maybe try it too! I think I`m going to use use havremjölk because I don`t like much that wery "creamy-kind" of foods.. But that picture looks tastefull and I love spinach and tofu, they are great combination..

Annelie sa...

I think it will taste just great with havremjölk instead of havregrädde. Most of the time when I make a white sauce I mix those together to make it not to creamy. I also saw in my store that oatley had som mini-cream, with like 6% fat, that could be worth checking out if you don´t like it too creamy, insteda of the usual havrrgrädd that i think have 12% fat or something.